City of Malibu statement on issues surrounding Sunset Jazz Fest Event


A privately operated live music event, the Sunset Jazz Fest, was held in the City of Malibu on Saturday, July 30, resulting in numerous problems that, unfortunately, negatively impacted attendees of the event. Complaints and concerns from attendees about lack of organization and poor service were received.

The City had three full-time Community Services Department staff and three Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Deputies on-site throughout the day to monitor the event. While the event was held on the City-owned lot at 23575 Civic Center Way (also known as the Chili Cook-Off site), the City did not sponsor, organize or promote the event, and the City’s only role was in processing and issuing the event permit.

The Temporary Use Permit (TUP) 22-021 for the event was submitted on June 24 and conditionally approved by the Planning Director on July 6. On July 21, the Planning Director revoked the TUP due to the submittal of a fraudulent Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) License, a failure to fulfill one or more conditions of the TUP and failure to provide truthful or accurate information.

The event organizer appealed the decision to the Planning Commission, which held a special meeting on the appeal on Thursday, July 28.

The Planning Commission upheld the appeal, allowing the event to go forward, on condition that no alcohol be served during or after the event.

“The City of Malibu is committed to ensuring that any permitted events in the City follow the law and City permitting rules that are in place to protect the health and safety of the community and visitors, as well as the environment and the quality of life of the community,” the press release says. “Any questions, complaints, or requests for refunds for the event should directed to the event organizer.”

This is a developing story.